Friday, 5 December 2008

soalan objektif ...

Soalan dibawah adalah soalan aneka jawapan, ada 1 betul dan 3 salah, 2betul dan 2 salah dan seterusnya.baca soalan dengan betul-betul kemudian jawap dengan sebaiknya..selamat mencuba..

1. Burst fracture merujuk kepada keadaan seperti berikut :-
a. Fracture through the pedicle and lamina of C2 vertebra.
b. Alvusion fracture of the spinous process of one or more of the lower cervical.
c. Comminuted fracture of the vertebral body where fragments ‘burst out’.
d. Fracture of the first cervical vertebra.

2. Comminuted fracture merujuk kepada kedaan seperti berikut :-
a. the fracture line is perpendicular to the long axis of the bone.
b. the fracture that got two fracture in one bone but at different levels.
c. fracture with multiple fragments.
d. the fracture line runs spirally in more than one plane.

3. Colles’ fracture adalah bermaksud :-
a. fracture of distal third of the radius with dislocation of the distal radio-ulnar joint.
b. fracture of the proximal third of the ulna with dislocation ofthe head of the radius.
c. fracture occuring in aldults, at the cortico-cancellous junction of the distal end of the radius with dorsal tilt and other displacement.
d. fracture occuring in aldults, at the cortico-cancellous junction of the distal end of the radius with ventral tilt and other displacement.

4. Perbezaan bagi sprain dan strain adalah :-
a. injury to ligaments is termed as a sprain.
b. stretching of the muscle or its tendinous attachment called strain.
c. injury to ligaments is termed as a strain.
d. stretching of the muscle or its tendinous attachment called sprain.

5. The thin plate of growth cartilage, one at eachh end, separating the epiphysis from the metaphysis called as :-
a. Apophysis
b. Diaphysis
c. Epiphyseal plate
d. cortico cancellous junction.

6. Factors affecting fracture healing including :-
a. Type of the bone
b. pattern of the fracture
c. type of the reduction.
d. compounding.

7. Treatment of fracture can be considered in three phases, there are :-
a. emergency care phase
b. definitive care phase
c. rehabilition care phase
d. reduction, retain and rehabilition.

8. At the accident site, emergency care of fracture begins at the site of the accident. In principle, it consists of the ‘splint them where they lie’. The advantage of the splintingare :-
a. relief the pain
b. prevention from further damage.
c. prevention of complications.
d. transportion.

9. Indications for open reduction : -
a. failure of closed reduction. c. Non-union
b. displaced intra-articular fractures d. Multiple fracture

10. Used of plaster of paris :-
a. it can be applied in two form i.e slab or a cast.
b. plaster slab cover only a part of the circumference of the limb.
c. plaster cast covers the whole of the circumference of a limb.
d. for immobilisation for the fracture after reduction.

11. Fundamental principle while applying a plaster of paris are :-
a. immobilise the joints above and below the fracture
b. immobilise joints in a functional postion.
c. mobilise the joints not included in the plaster
d. pad the limb adequately, especially on bony prominent.

12. a sore formation within a plaster cast can be suspected by the following :-
a. disturbed sleep
b. low-grade fever
c. fretfulness
d. soakage of the plaster.

13. matching the subject between name of the cast with their uses :-
a. hanging cast fracture of humerus
b. hip spica fracture of femur
c. sarmento cast fracture of tibia
d. u- slab fracture of humerus

14. match the common splints below with their uses :-
a. Lumbar corset CTEV
b. Thomas splint backache
c. bohler braun frame fracture femur
d. dennis brown splint fracture femur

15. Parts of a thomas splint including :-
a. has a ring and two side bars joined distally
b. the outside bar has a curvature near its junction with the ring to accommodate the greater trochanter.
c. the lenght of thomas splint is the measurement from the highest point on the medial side of the groin up to the heel plus 6 inches.
d. the ring size is found by addition of 2 inches to the thigh circumference at the highest point of the groin.

16. Care of a patient in a splint :-
a. the splint should properly applied, well padded at bony prominences and fracture site.
b. the bandage of the splint should no to be too tight.
c. skin traction; an adhesive starp is applied on the skin and traction applied.
d. skeletal traction; the traction is applied directly on the bone by inserting a steinmann pin through the bone.

17. Matching the comparison between skin and skeletal traction below :-
a. skin traction applied with weight up to 3-4 kg meanwhile for skeletal traction the weight is up to 20 kg.
b. skin traction applied only for short duration but for the skeletal traction it can be applied for long duration.
c. common site for applying the skin traction is below knee and for the skeletal traction is at the upper tibial pin traction.
d. skin traction applied at the skin meanwhile for the skeletal traction it is applied athrough the bone.

18. Complication that will rise after apllying skin tratcion are :-
a. deficit mobiliti b. Loss of appetite
c. hypostatic pnuemonia d. Patella adhesion.

19. Fat embolism syndrome (FES) symptoms including :-
a. patient become drowsy, restless and disoriented
b. tacypnoea and tachycardia
c. patechial rash at chest and conjuctiva
d. patient can develope respiratory failure

20. Common dislocations at the different joints are :-
a. Hip - anterior more than posterior
b. shoulder - posterior more than anterior
c. elbow - posterior more than anterior
d. Mp joint - anterio more at index finger

21. Clinical features for disloaction including :-
a. parathesia
b. pallor
c. pulseness
d. shortening of the limbs.

22. Common site of fracture in children are :-
a. green stick fracture
b. salter and haris fracture
c. supracondylar fracture of humerus
d. epiphyseal injuries

23. Arthroplasty is an operation for construction of a new movable joint. It is commonly perfomed for :-
a. osteoarthitis of the hip and knee
b. un-united femoral neck of femur
c. anklylosing spondylitis
d. ankylosing of the elbow

24. osteotomy it means the cutting of a bone,indications for performing osteotomy are :-
a. to correct mal-aligment of a joint
b. to correct united bone healing
c. to correct non-excessive angulation
d. to correct aligment of a joint.

25. about fracture :-
a. Fracture is a break in the joint continuity at the bone.
b. compund fracture a fracture not communicating with external evironment.
c. colles’ fracture is a fracture at the distal end of the ulna, about two cm from the distal articular surface.
d. fracture can only be treat conservatively.

26. colles’ fracture :-
a. dinner spoon deformity
b. tenderness and and irregularity of the lower end of the ulna
c. can be treat with plaster of paris
d. associated with fracture of the styloid process of ulna

27. Some following injuries are commonly associated with colles’ fracture :-
a. fracture of the styloid process of the ulna
b. rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament
c. reverse of the smith fracture
d. the distal fragment always broken into pieces

28. pelvic fracture complications including :-
a. rupture of urethra c. injury to nerve
b. rupture of bladder d. Injury to rectum or vagina


Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing the questions ,it give a benefits to us..can i have the answer for the question above? thank you :)